Your questions answered: what to do to maintain accuracy of a consumer report when PII access is restricted

The redaction of PII continues to pose significant challenges for background screeners in states like California and Michigan. California courts often  do not respond to or limit research requests, limit the number of queries that can be made in person, and limit the amount of PII provided when a potential record is found. Meanwhile, a recent order in Michigan has led to courts implementing policies that are creating backlogs and longer turnaround times.

Given the growing number of jurisdictions that are making it more difficult to access information, how can CRAs ensure accuracy and completeness in a timely manner? View the webinar recording with background screening subject matter expert, Pam Devata.

During this session, attendees can expect to learn:

  • What is happening in the industry 
  • What impact it has when a court does not give CRAs access to records
  • Steps CRAs can take to mitigate the challenges of PII data limitation/redaction

Duration: 60 minutes